Data about the represents an invite link for a chat
True, if users joining the chat via the link need to be approved by chat administrators
Creator of the link
expiredPoint in time (Unix timestamp) when the link will expire or has been expired
limitThe maximum number of users that can be members of the chat simultaneously after joining the chat via this invite link; 1-99999
The invite link. If the link was created by another chat administrator, then the second part of the link will be replaced with "...".
nameInvite link name
True, if the link is primary
requestsNumber of pending join requests created using this link
True, if the link is revoked
subscriptionThe number of seconds the subscription will be active for before the next payment
subscriptionThe amount of Telegram Stars a user must pay initially and after each subsequent subscription period to be a member of the chat using the link
The client that instantiated this
Point in time when the link will expire or has been expired
Return the timestamp link will expire or has been expired, in milliseconds
_updateFlatten an object. Any properties that are collections will get converted to an array of keys.
propsRecursive: booleanOptional. If true, calls toJSON method on nested objects.
Optional. Specific properties to include/exclude, or rename.
Flattened object.
The client that instantiated this