Class ChosenInlineResult

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Base
    • ChosenInlineResult



author: User

The user that chose the result

id: string

The unique identifier for the result that was chosen

inlineMessageId: string

Identifier of the sent inline message. Available only if there is an inline keyboard attached to the message. Will be also received in callback queries and can be used to edit the message

location?: Location

Sender location, only for bots that require user location

query: string

The query that was used to obtain the result



  • Protected

    Patches the current instance with new data


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to patch the instance with

    Returns Record<string, any>

    The patched data

  • Protected

    Updates the current instance with new data and returns a clone of the updated instance


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to update the instance with

    Returns Base

    A clone of the updated instance

  • Use this method to send answers to an inline query.


    • results: readonly InlineQueryResult[]

      An array of results for the inline query

    • Optionaloptions: Omit<{
          button?: InlineQueryResultsButton;
          cacheTime?: number;
          inlineQueryId: string;
          isPersonal?: boolean;
          nextOffset?: string;
          results: readonly InlineQueryResult[];
      }, "results" | "inlineQueryId">

      out parameters

    Returns Promise<true>

    On success, True is returned.