Class Giveaway

Hierarchy (view full)



chats: Chat[]

The list of chats which the user must join to participate in the giveaway

countryCodes?: string[]

A list of two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes indicating the countries from which eligible users for the giveaway must come. If empty, then all users can participate in the giveaway. Users with a phone number that was bought on Fragment can always participate in giveaways

description?: string

Description of additional giveaway prize

onlyNewMembers?: true

True, if only users who join the chats after the giveaway started should be eligible to win

publicWinners?: true

True, if the list of giveaway winners will be visible to everyone

selectedUnixTime: number

Point in time (Unix timestamp) when winners of the giveaway will be selected

starCount?: number

The number of Telegram Stars to be split between giveaway winners; for Telegram Star giveaways only

subscriptionMonthCount?: number

The number of months the Telegram Premium subscription won from the giveaway will be active for; for Telegram Premium giveaways only

winnerCount: number

The number of users which are supposed to be selected as winners of the giveaway


  • get selectedAt(): Date
  • Point in time when winners of the giveaway will be selected

    Returns Date

  • get selectedTimestamp(): number
  • Return the timestamp winners of the giveaway will be selected, in milliseconds

    Returns number


  • Protected

    Patches the current instance with new data


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to patch the instance with

    Returns Record<string, any>

    The patched data

  • Protected

    Updates the current instance with new data and returns a clone of the updated instance


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to update the instance with

    Returns Base

    A clone of the updated instance

  • Checks if this giveaway is equal to another giveaway.


    • other: Giveaway

      The other object to compare with.

    Returns boolean

    True if both objects are instances of Giveaway and are equal based on key properties, otherwise false.