Class GiveawayWinners

Hierarchy (view full)



addChatCount?: number

The number of other chats the user had to join in order to be eligible for the giveaway

chat: Chat

The chat that created the giveaway

count: number

Total number of winners in the giveaway

description?: string

Description of additional giveaway prize

messageId: string

Identifier of the messsage with the giveaway in the chat

onlyNewMembers?: boolean

True, if only users who had joined the chats after the giveaway started were eligible to win

refunded?: true

True, if the giveaway was canceled because the payment for it was refunded

selectionUnixTime: number

Point in time (Unix timestamp) when winners of the giveaway were selected

starCount?: number

The number of Telegram Stars to be split between giveaway winners; for Telegram Star giveaways only

subscriptionMonthCount?: number

The number of Telegram Stars to be split between giveaway winners; for Telegram Star giveaways only

unclaimedPrizeCount?: number

Number of undistributed prizes

winners: User[]

List of up to 100 winners of the giveaway


  • get selectionAt(): Date
  • Point in time when winners of the giveaway were selected

    Returns Date

  • get selectionTimestamp(): number
  • Return the timestamp winners of the giveaway were selected, in milliseconds

    Returns number


  • Parameters

    • data: GiveawayWinners

      Data about the represents a message about the completion of a giveaway with public winners

    Returns GiveawayWinners

  • Protected

    Updates the current instance with new data and returns a clone of the updated instance


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to update the instance with

    Returns Base

    A clone of the updated instance

  • Checks if this giveaway winners object is equal to another giveaway winners object.


    Returns boolean

    True if both objects are instances of GiveawayWinners and are equal based on key properties, otherwise false.