Creates an instance of InlineKeyboard.
inline_keyboard: InlineKeyboardButton[][]Adds buttons to the last row of the inline keyboard.
The buttons to add.
The current instance for chaining.
Creates a deep copy of the current InlineKeyboard instance.
A new instance of InlineKeyboard with the same buttons.
Combines the current inline keyboard with another one.
The other InlineKeyboard instance to combine with.
The current instance for chaining.
Adds a copy text button to the inline keyboard.
The button text.
copyText: string | CopyTextButtonThe text copy or CopyTextButton object.
The current instance for chaining.
Checks if this inline keyboard is equal to another inline keyboard.
The other inline keyboard to compare with.
True if both keyboards are equal based on their structure and button properties, otherwise false.
Adds a new row of buttons to the inline keyboard.
The buttons to add.
The current instance for chaining.
Adds a switch inline chosen chat button to the inline keyboard.
The button text.
query: SwitchInlineQueryChosenChatThe inline query to switch to in the chosen chat.
The current instance for chaining.
Converts the inline keyboard to a JSON format suitable for Telegram API.
An object representing the inline keyboard in JSON format.
copyCreates a copy text button.
The button text.
copyText: string | CopyTextButtonThe text copy or CopyTextButton object.
The created copy text button.
fromCreates an InlineKeyboard instance from another instance or a 2D array of buttons.
The source InlineKeyboard instance or 2D array of buttons.
A new instance of InlineKeyboard.
gameCreates a game button.
The button text.
The created game button.
loginCreates a login button.
The button text.
The login URL or LoginUrl object.
The created login button.
switchCreates a switch inline button.
The button text.
query: stringThe inline query to switch to.
The created switch inline button.
switchCreates a switch inline chosen chat button.
The button text.
query: SwitchInlineQueryChosenChatThe inline query to switch to in the chosen chat.
The created switch inline chosen chat button.
switchCreates a switch inline current chat button.
The button text.
query: stringThe inline query to switch to in the current chat.
The created switch inline current chat button.
textCreates a callback button.
The button text.
data: stringThe callback data.
The created callback button.
webCreates a WebApp button.
The button text.
The URL to the WebApp.
The created WebApp button.
Represents an inline keyboard for Telegram bots.