Class MediaData

A class for handling media data and preparing configuration for API requests.



extensions: Record<string, string>

Mapping of media type extensions.

formDataJsonFields: string[]

Fields in the form data that should be JSON-encoded.

sourceParametersMedia: string[]

Parameters that can contain media data.


  • Attaches media to the form data.


    • form: MultipartStream

      The form to which the media should be attached.

    • media: string | Buffer<ArrayBufferLike> | ReadStream

      The media to attach, can be a string path, buffer, or read stream.

    • options: { filename?: string; id: string }

      The options of the form field.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Attaches a value to the form data.


    • form: MultipartStream

      The form to which the value should be attached.

    • id: string

      The name of the form field.

    • value: any

      The value to attach to the form.

    • agent: undefined | boolean | Agent | (parsedUrl: URL) => undefined | boolean | Agent

      The agent to use for fetching external resources.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Builds the configuration for a form-data request.


    • apiPayload: Record<string, any>

      The data to be sent in the request.

    • OptionalrequestOptions: RequestInit

      Additional options for the request.

    Returns Promise<IApiConfig>

    The configuration for the request.

  • Builds the configuration for a JSON request.


    • payload: Record<string, any>

      The data to be sent in the request.

    • OptionalrequestOptions: RequestInit

      Additional options for the request.

    Returns IApiConfig

    The configuration for the request.

  • Checks if the payload contains media data.


    • payload: Record<string, any>

      The data to check.

    Returns boolean

    true if media is found, otherwise false.

  • Checks if the given value is a media-related object. This function determines if the provided value is an object associated with media data types such as Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Blob, FormData, Uint8Array, or DataView.


    • value: any

      The value to check.

    Returns boolean

    true if the value is a media-related object; otherwise, false.