Data about the represents a join request sent to a chat
User that sent the join request
bioBio of the user
Chat to which the request was sent
Date the request was sent in Unix time
inviteChat invite link that was used by the user to send the join request
Identifier of a private chat with the user who sent the join request. The bot can use this identifier for 5 minutes to send messages until the join request is processed, assuming no other administrator contacted the user.
The client that instantiated this
Date the request was sent
Return the timestamp request was sent, in milliseconds
_updateFlatten an object. Any properties that are collections will get converted to an array of keys.
propsRecursive: booleanOptional. If true, calls toJSON method on nested objects.
Optional. Specific properties to include/exclude, or rename.
Flattened object.
The client that instantiated this