Class ChatMemberUpdated

Hierarchy (view full)

  • Base
    • ChatMemberUpdated



author: User

Performer of the action, which resulted in the change

chat: Chat

Chat the user belongs to

createdUnixTime: number

Date the change was done in Unix time

inviteLink?: ChatInviteLink

Chat invite link, which was used by the user to join the chat; for joining by invite link events only

newMember: ChatMember

New information about the chat member

oldMember: ChatMember

Previous information about the chat member

viaInviteLink?: boolean

True, if the user joined the chat via a chat folder invite link

viaJoinRequest?: boolean

True, if the user joined the chat after sending a direct join request without using an invite link without using an invite link and being approved by an administrator


  • get createdTimestamp(): number
  • Return the timestamp change was done, in milliseconds

    Returns number


  • Protected

    Patches the current instance with new data


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to patch the instance with

    Returns Record<string, any>

    The patched data

  • Protected

    Updates the current instance with new data and returns a clone of the updated instance


    • data: Record<string, any>

      The data to update the instance with

    Returns Base

    A clone of the updated instance